Make America Christian Again

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23 thoughts on “Make America Christian Again

  1. Beth Tan says:

    What church and where?

    1. Chari Roma says:

      Beth Tan west palm beach 🏝

    2. Chari Roma says:

      Beth Tan you are welcome 🙏

  2. House of mercy in west palm beach Florida

  3. Beth Tan says:

    Wow he is far from me. No Pastor like him in California. I need a pastor who is not watered down christian and leader

  4. Beth Tan says:

    Pastors in California are bought by money and race

  5. Wow I’m sorry, we’re always live on Facebook Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday’s at 10am

  6. Beth Tan says:

    Correct the word of God is a two double edged sword

  7. Beth Tan says:

    Not a job but a calling

  8. Beth Tan says:

    Correct most Christians are called Christians that’s it. Democrats is the god of most so called Christians. Fake Christianity

  9. Beth Tan says:

    Perfect Pastor for me

  10. Beth Tan says:

    The true message from God

  11. Chari Roma says:

    Amen Jesus!! Pastor you’re speaking the truth! 🙏 blessings to your church and members

  12. Steve Daniel says:

    Praise God Hallelujah amen

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